Welcome to the blog! Real quick introduction. My name is Matt and I am a 23 year old who is a big sports fan. I played college baseball and current have coached baseball for 6 years now. We are gonna make this fun, we won't always be politically or even always grammatically correct (all of us writing for this blog were business majors - a hint that there is more people joining the team.) Don't ask how 3 business majors got into the blogging world, I guess we just wanted a place to vent our views (read: truth) on whatever we wanted, but mostly sports.
Hopefully we will have a following that adds some good comments and we can feed off of those comments and make even better blog posts. So pass the word to your friends and have them pass it on to their friends (only if we are any good.) If we suck, let us know we suck - just blame it all on my co-authors.
Without any further ado..I will introduce my co-authors who are coming on board with me. Dan will focus mostly on hockey but he is very opinionated and we never agree (read: he's wrong). He and I highly disagree on a lot of college sports. His favorite college football team is Alabama, mine is Auburn (yes, again he is wrong for that), his favorite college basketball team is North Carolina, mine is Kansas. I know what you are thinking, he couldn't be more wrong with his teams, but I will give him the forum here to discuss his reasons why he likes them at some point (I would probably just skip reading those posts) He is somewhat knowledgeable and will at least get you upset at his points.
Our other author is just as unreasonable when it comes to his college sports teams. Florida for football and North Carolina for basketball. We call him Timmy Chomps - because he loves Tebow and the Gators. His name is Matt (yes, both our families we so original with our names), but we will call him "V" on the board so that way you can decipher who has the right opinions (read: me) and who isn't always right (read: V). He loves the Pats, so his main topics will focus on football but he will bring a little bit of everything to the table.
We couldn't be more of homers for our hometown professional teams, meaning yes you will have to deal with us gloating about how good the Boston teams are. We may be adding more to the team if this goes well. Let us know what you think, and if you don't like us, well we don't care.
-The Boss
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