First of all, hello and welcome to "The Truth". Second of all, please excuse my friend "The Boss" he is a bit cranky but who wouldn't be when your favorite big 4 league is the NBA? Anyways, enough about that shmuck for now.. As previously mentioned in a post that probably wasn't worth reading, I was a Business Major, a Sport Management Major to be exact. I spent my college years studying why Billy Beane's MoneyBall strategy was or wasn't a sound strategy for the overall business plan of the Oakland A's and reading books like the Blindside. I can promise you that none of my posts will be grammatically correct but I can promise you my opinions will be The Truth and will be realistic and of a sound mind unlike you know who (read: The Boss). By the way, that whole "(Read:___)" bullshit, I have literally never seen it used like it was in the previous blog, by the end I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be reading because everything was telling me to "(Read:___) something else. I digress, more about me....
I am die hard Hockey fan and I do bleed Black and Gold.. I don't miss a game and I will never let you down on Bruin's or NHL knowledge. T-U-U-K-K-A is my homeboy and I cannot wait for him to be the B's number 1. Don't get me wrong Timmy is a bad mo-fo but let's be honest with ourselves, his body isn't going to hold up much longer with the style he plays and I am glad TUUKKA is waiting in the wings.. We can get into more detail on that later.. The Patriots are my second love, with the Red Sox coming in a distant third and limping in last are the Celtics. I do like the Celtics, I truly do, I just HATE the NBA, monkey's could run a league better than David Stern. I am not going to bother reposting my college teams again, The Boss already took care of that. I will add that UNH is my college hockey team.
So there you go, like it or hate it that's what I have to offer. I will be your one stop shop for Hockey on this blog and will contribute to Football as well as Baseball. I can assure you I will not talk basketball all that often unless it is college or I am trying to bring The Boss back down to earth, you will find that he likes to live in fantasy land when he talks about his Celtics (i.e. Rajon Rondo is a top 2 PG in the NBA), it's OK to laugh, he is used to it. One last note before I end this friggen fantastic introduction.. Our friend that you know as "V" aka Timmy Chomps, he is a Florida Gator fan. I would like to apologize on his behalf. I am not sure how it happened or why it happened all I know is that it's hard to look at him straight in the eye when I know he is probably day dreaming about Tebow doing his best naked tebowing pose. Don't let him fool you either, he will be have an "I love Tim Tebow" shirt under his Patriot's jersey this weekend..
This is way too long, read it again if you want more.. Oh ya one last thing, since Matt decided he was "The Boss".. you can just call me "The Truth" and not because I like Paul Pierce, makes no sense anyways he fakes more injuries than the Montreal Canadiens "The Truth" can't lie. You can call me The Truth because A) it is the only place you are going to find it on this blog and B) because my genius mind come up with the name.
Again this is way to long and The Boss is yelling at me to get a post up.. What he doesn't understand is you can't rush magic..
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